My Pole Con 2023 Recap
Dirty Disney Performance 3/3/18
Performing, Part 2.
Getting ready for my second live performance and this time around has been much calmer. I'm still nervous, but I have a confidence from knowing what to expect.
For this routine, I am taking it easy on my body and focusing more on "performing" rather than tricks because that's the area I want to improve upon this go around. I want to be able to serve FACE and energy. I have one tough floor pass and a scary AF trick that I have never done in a routine, so I pray I make it through.
Stay tuned for the recap... this will be an interesting one. Lol.
Taking it Public: My First Public Public Performance.
New day, new skills.
6 Inch Heelzzzzz....
So, I'm taking things to new heights! I just bought my first pair of dance heels and am super excited to use them in class. I got these on Amazon for 30 bucks, as an entry pair until I get a better feel for poling with heels. They are "Fantasma's" by Pleasers and they are pretty comfy and not to hard to walk or pole in.
I love these red shoes!
I went to my first heels class, and after being a bit wobbly in the begging, I was able to finally get my bearings in these things. My favorite move with heels is the shoulder roll/fish flop. I feel so pretty!
Here's the vid of my first pole combo in heels:
If you haven't tried a heels class, you definitely should. It is sooo freeing!
Until next time. =)
Fight For It...
So, I've taken it as a personal challenge to myself to start working on my "alternative side" to gel down the skills so I can be balanced. I've also had a talk with myself to focus on fixing the things I need work with... like leg hangs... and inverted V's. Committing to fixing areas that you struggle in is super frustrating, but I know it will be better in the long run. My new motto during this time is "Fight For It!" I ultimately want pretty lines and fluid movement as I proceed in my pole journey, so I must fight for it. Like Under Armor says "Will what you want"! What is it that you want to accomplish that has been evading you?
Here are some skills that I'm fighting for so that I can add them to my repoitoire.
Keep on fighting for it!
Moving on Up!
So, I bought a pole...
So, I've been on my pole journey for about a year and a half, and finally, after much planning and plotting. I was finally able to get a pole. One of the major hold ups, besides the cost, was the fact that I live in a 600 sq ft apartment that is narrow. I was concerned that if I got a pole, I wouldn't be able to do any tricks on it without hitting something ( I have a lot of junk ). Thankfully, that is not the case. While I won't be able to do wild spins, I can do most of the trick and treats that I need to.
The pole that I purchased is the X-Pole Chrome 45mm pole. Because I have super duper high ceilings, I had to buy an extra extension piece, which brings my pole height to 10ft. So far, everything is going really great. I am able to climb the pole with no issues, and as soon as my muscles heal from the four classes I took this week, I'll test out the spin function.
Here's me trying out my new pole by working on a new skill I learned, the "Vortex" into a one leg pole stand:
I thankfully was able to buy my pole at a local studio near by, which enabled me to get to know what I was working with before buying. I paid $340 for my pole, plus $30 for the extension piece. I researched other pole options, such as MegaBrand that is a bit cheaper at $120, but after looking at different reviews, I found that it was best to go with X-pole. Installation was pretty easy once I was able to get the part, and only took about 30 minutes. The hardest part was trying to center the pole so it wasn't leaning. My next task is to get a crash mat so that I can start working my level three tricks. Hopefully, now that I have my pole, I can focus on cleaning up some skills and building my strength so I can hit the competition circuit!
How has your experience with home poles been? Sound off below!
Happy Poling!