These past two months, I have been reviewing some intermediate moves that I haven’t done in a while to make sure I can still do them, in addition to working towards my Floor and Regular Ayesha.
I have also been working on adding to some of my favorite skills to start building sequences. I am excited to say that today (6/22/21) I got my dislocator spin into a climb. Not only was I able to do the move, but I was able to climb to the top and add on a few other moves to the sequence. What makes me so proud of this is that it took me YEARS to get my dislocator, and I actually used to get frustrated with myself, because it was just a trust thing. I had the strength to do it, my brain just couldn’t trust that I would come back around to the pole. To be able to hit this move and add stuff to it is a big win for me and I am celebrating! Woo!
Which brings me to one of my biggest wins this period: Jade. I don’t know the exact time frame I’ve been working on this, I know it has been longer than the time on the dislocator. To finally have this move somewhat solid, is a HUGE accomplishment for me. I love this move and once I get more comfortable with it, I plan to put it into a combo with the hang glider move (another goal move checked off!). We’re cooking with gas now! (or is it grease?)
xoxo, Vicky O.