Pole Conditioning Tips!
Typa Girl Choreo Notes
Typa Girl
Black Pink
Walk snap to pole & 4 pole walks
Dislocator to split, Twizzle, arabesque, leg wrap
3x hip pop, trace down and up
Dip spin, picque Angel
Slide to thread the needle
Roll to pin up
Slide leg through extend top leg
Legs under to diamond to Twizzle
Straddle fan kick (or flare)
Jasmine split
Holly Drop
Leg switch
Floorwork combo
Class Notes: Pole Conditioning 2/24/22 & Fit & Flexy 2/25/22
Today’s Conditioning Focus:
Grip Conditioning
Thoracic Rotation
Shoulder Strength & Flexibility
Strengthening Hip Abduction & Adduction
Active Leg Flexibility
Grip Conditioning Tip: Use a tennis ball to work on your grip strength when not using a pole.
Using a resistance band is a great way to work on your shoulders and thoracic rotation. Here are some shoulder exercises you can do:
Thoracic Rotation:
Thoracic rotation with band
Seated Twists
Shoulder Strength & Flexibility
Lateral Raises
Reverse Plank
Shoulder Extension Lift Offs
Pull from Shoulder with Resistance Band (Can Hook Band to Pole)
Reverse Shoulder Extension with Band
Reverse Planks
Strengthing Hip & Abduction & Adduction
Resisted Hip Flexion
Place resistance band under feet, then lift one knee at a time.
Adductor Squeeze with hip lift.
Place stability ball between legs, squeeze, then lift up.
Resisted hip abduction with bands.
Band on pole, hook to ankle, extend leg out and in
Active Flexibility
Yoga Block Leg Lift
Sit in straddle, place yoga block inside leg, lift leg over block. Can do one leg at a time, or both.
Scissor legs to chest
Lay on back, lift one leg at a time to try to bring as close to chest as possible.
Class Notes: 6/30/21
What We Worked On:
Front Hook
Back Hook
Attitude Spin
Fireman Spin
Fan Kick
My tip for this week would be to start preparing your body for the next level by working on conditioning drills. I am linking a few of the exercises I have been doing that have helped me condition my body for pole.
Shoulder Engagement
Targeting Lower Abs for Inverts
Pike lifts for Hips. (My go to at the moment!)
Hip & Glute Strengthening