It's Performance Time!

Tomorrow, I'll be partaking in my second pole performance ever. I am a mixture of both excited and nervous, because you never know what to expect with any performance, much less a performance that involves an apparatus. Some of my biggest fears are my grip not holding up or me getting winded during my routine. I've actually taken some precautions when choreographing my routine so that I'm not doing anything that I can't fake it through in the event I run out of breath. I've been conditioning like crazy since the start of the year for such a time as this, so I'm hoping it all pays off. Ultimately, I just want to give a performance that I am proud of. Performing gives me such a rush and when I walk off that stage, I want to feel like I left a mark. 

Did I mention that I had about 2 weeks to come up with a routine? Haha! Gotta love a challenge. 

Here are some of the rough draft moments as I put my routine together. 


What are some of your performance anxieties?