
Break Up With Your Anxiety


Me, learning to only listen to facts about myself.


Living in the moment…

I’ve been working on not overthinking- which was/is a big part of my anxiety.

I’ve been in therapy for about 2 years, and I am at the point where I’m starting to realize just how much of an impact my anxiety has had on my life. What I initially thought was me wanting to be a perfectionist, me wanting to make sure that all my I’s were dotted, T’s crossed- was really my anxiety wrecking havoc on my life and my ability to just exist.

A few weeks ago, my therapist reminded me that I am always saying that I operate with facts only- no opinions, but when it comes to dealing with my self, I allow opinions to fester. That was a revolutionary moment for me, because they were right- in the past, I allowed myself to believe that I wasn’t good enough, even though I am an amazing person. I allowed myself to feel like I didn’t measure up to others, even though my resume would say otherwise. I overcompensated in so many areas: work, friends, relationships… trying so hard to prove myself because I didn’t believe that by just existing I was good enough. When my therapist told me that I should focus on the facts about myself, just like I do with others, that completely changed my perspective. After that session, I vowed to break up with my anxiety…because honestly, the relationship has been draining.

I am very much in the beginning stages of this break up, but I am already appreciative of the small moments of relief I have experienced since taking this step. Much like pole, this break up will be a journey. I will constantly need to stay engaged so that I don’t revert back to my old self. Nevertheless, I am proud to be taking steps to as the great Rep Maxine Waters says, “Reclaim my Time.”