A Moment for Gratitude


My first “Random Musing” isn’t so random…but in an effort to help me with processing my fee fees, I’m going to share. So here it goes-

Father’s Day…

Father’s Day has always been hard for me, because me and my dad have a very…complicated, for lack of a better word, relationship. But, that’s what happens when you are the product of a divorce and one of the parents remarries. As I get older, I’m learning that there was a missing layer that wasn’t considered by me: cultural. My mom is Black American and my dad is an immigrant from Nigeria. The way the two cultures view a variety of things adds another layer, that as a child growing up in America, Black America, you really aren’t able to understand…thus the complexity.

But as I was walking my dog today, I decided that rather than be in my feelings ANOTHER year on father’s day, I would reflect instead on the good that I have had in my life. So, I would like to highlight two men who have been impactful in my life over the years: my uncle and my Godfather.


My uncle has provided me with invaluable advice & life lessons over the years. I think my first driving lesson was with him at the age of 9 in my mom’s Buick. Lol. I remember controlling the steering wheel for like a minute, riding down the the Seawall in Galveston. After that, I couldn't wait to be old enough to drive for real. I also remember the random talks about different things to be aware of in life. I know I haven’t told him (and I probably should) but I am so grateful for those talks. I use a lot of those lessons to this day. I think what I appreciate the most is how I’ve watched him look out for my mom, his baby sister, and give her advice on various things, and just be a sounding board for her.


When I was younger, summers in Kansas City with my Godfather were the best. What I cherish most about my godfather was that he was the one that introduced me to travel. Whenever me and my mother would visit, he always had an additional trip planned. The best one was to Eureka Springs, AK & Branson, MO. As a kid from Texas, southeast Texas at that, I had never seen so much nature. It was so beautiful. So to my Godfather, thank you for introducing me to adventure.

Life doesn’t always work out in a neat and organized way, but sometimes, the universe finds a way to help fill voids that you may experience.

I am extremely grateful to have had people in my life to step in when I needed it the most.

Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers and Father Figures!

xoxo, Vicky O.